2016 Application

Key Dates

March 13, 2016: Completed applications must be submitted online
April 18, 2016: Scholarship winners announced
May 3, 2016: Scholarship winners invited to attend VIP Reception
June 2016: Scholarships presented at the HR Leadership Awards Annual Gala

2016 Scholarship Application APPLY ONLINE HERE

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Am I eligible?

To be eligible, one must meet the following criteria: a) Be enrolled in and provide documentation of being enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate Human Resource degree program from an accredited regional institution in the Greater Washington area (Richmond, VA-Baltimore, MD); b) You must demonstrate satisfactory grades of a “B” average.

2. Do I need to attend the VIP Reception and the Gala?

The VIP Reception is not required, but each scholarship recipient will be recognized. The Gala is mandatory to receive the scholarship check on stage.

3. Will I be able to get feedback from my application submission?

No, feedback will not be available for applicants due to the number of applications we receive. Your application will be judged based upon your submission and how you stack up against other candidates.

4. If I do not win the scholarship this year, can I apply again?

Yes, you may apply again as long as you still meet the criteria.

5. Is the scholarship renewable?

No, the scholarship is awarded as a single year scholarship. Winners are not eligible to win again.

6. If I am enrolled in an HR certificate program, do I qualify?

No, for the 2016 season HR certificate programs do not qualify. You must be enrolled in a degree program. Please check back with us for 2017 as this may change to include certifications.

7. Can I use the award money towards any professional certification?

Yes, you may use the scholarship towards whatever HR/OD field expenses you wish including professional certification, loan payback, school expenses, etc.

8. Can professors’ recommendations be mailed/emailed separately?

No, all of the six components must be uploaded to the application site by the March 13th deadline to ensure a complete packet for judging.

9. I am an international student, can I still apply?

Yes, as long as you are enrolled in a local HR degree program and meet the other criteria.

10. I am working on an MBA with an HR focus/major/concentration, am I eligible?

No, you must be in a specific HR or OD degree program. If you are in a dual Master’s program receiving both an MBA degree AND an HR/OD degree, than you would be eligible.