Probably, each of us has heard the phrase more than once that a book is the best gift and even in the age of digital technologies, many will prefer the “live” paper version of the book to its electronic counterpart.
Often even someone who has already bought in the USA does not consider American online stores to buy books, but very much in vain! After all, for those who like to read books, are in search of rare and unique books, a technical specialist and need the latest and most relevant information, looking for a gift or just a book lover – American bookstores are a real treasure trove.
The most interesting thing is that here you can find a huge selection of books not only in English, but also in many other languages, and at prices often more favorable than in Europe. The average price of a book on US online sites is $4-$6.
In this article, we will tell you where in the USA it is best and most profitable to buy books and how to pay for them.
Amazon.com – #1 book retailer
This service is so huge that almost no selection on any subject can do without amazon.com. Books are no exception, moreover, the company’s relationship with books is special – it was with their sales that the company began its work, and in 2011 a branded mega-popular device for reading Amazon Kindle e-books was released.
The site presents a great variety of books sorted by sections – books for children, history, business, art, etc. We also advise you to pay attention to special sections – “The best books of the month”, “The best books of the year”.
A site that simply cannot be bypassed. The online store was founded in 2002 and quickly gained popularity. The company sells both new and used books, and is also actively engaged in charity work – from each book purchased on the site there are deductions for non-profit programs for the development of literature and for the maintenance of libraries. So you can not just buy a book on the website, but automatically do a good deed and add a plus to your karma.
Amazon’s younger brother also impresses a large selection of books. When searching for “books”, the site gives out almost 16.5 million units. There is a place to roam! There are great opportunities for filters on the site – a choice by genres, categories, prices and a lot of other parameters, which will greatly facilitate the search.
Another market, where there is everything in the world, including a huge selection of books. Special attention should be paid to the selection of literature for children, it is worth it.
Is buying books on credit real?
Yes, it is. It is real to buy a book on credit. Many book-lovers are ready to issue a loan to buy what they need. We may reccomend you to get to know more about Cash Advance in Lakeview Oregon. This is a short-term lending option that doesn’t require a special preparation to issuing of the quick loan.
We decide to make you aware about key points of cash advance. Let’s start from the very beginning:
- A small loan can be issued by anyone;
- You don’t need to spend a lot of time getting a cash advance;
- Some online lenders offer the possibility of extending the loan;
- Minimum number of documents;
- There is no need for a pledge and a guarantor.
This list can be extended. If you follow the link, every user may get acquainted with the details about this financial product. It may be spent on books or on any other stuff you need.