Barbara Byrd Keenan, CAE is an independent consultant serving association and for profit clients in strategic planning, innovative new business development, executive coaching and board governance. She has 25 years experience in association management, served as CEO of two national associations and has consulted with numerous national and international groups. Ms. Keenan received the Key Award from the American Society of Association Executives, the highest award given in the profession and is the immediate past Chairman of the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives.
Ann Denison is the Vice President and Director of Human Resources at SRA International. Under her guidance, SRA’s HR department has been recognized locally and nationally for innovation and best practices in recruiting, benefits-program design and management, and work/life balance issues. Denison won the Ethics in Business award at the 2002 award’s gala.
John Dillon has been providing consulting and advisory services for a wide range of companies, since 1999. He is currently serving as Acting Chief Financial Officer of StarBand Communications Inc., a leading supplier of high-speed Internet via satellite to consumers and small businesses. John is a telecommunications veteran with more than 25 years experience in accounting, treasury, billing, financial operations, and planning and analysis.
Catherine S. Leggett has served as the Senior Vice President of Human Resources for Vertis, since April 2000. At last year’s gala, she won the HR Professional Excellence: Commercial/For Profit award. She has more than 20 years of experience in the HR field and has extensive experience in building human resource departments.
Michael R. Losey is a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Certified Association Executive (CAE), and was President and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) until his recent retirement. Losey also served as president of the North American Human Resource Management Association (NAHRMA) and the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA). Also, he helped to establish the National Academy of Human Resources, of which he is a fellow. Losey co-edited, Tomorrow’s HR Management, which was recently published.
Misti Mukherjee is a partner of Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, P.C. and provides litigation and counseling in all aspects of employment law and human resources management. She is a principal in the firm’s Labor and Employment Practice Group.
Dr. Ronald P. Sanders serves as the Office of Personnel Management’s Associate Director for Strategic Human Resources, which oversees the HR strategies and policies of the Federal Government’s almost two million employees. From 1998 until 2002, when he was appointed to the OPM, Dr. Sanders served as the Internal Revenue Services Chief Human Resource Officer and received his second Presidential Rank award for his work, as well as three Commissioner’s Awards.
David L. Snyder is the Assistant G-1 for Civilian Personnel Policy for the Department of the Army, for which he oversees the full scope of civilian human resource management activities. Snyder won the HR Professional Excellence: Government /Non-Profit award at last year’s gala. He is responsible for setting long-range, strategic goals, for creating policies that ensure effective management of all civilian employees, and leads a field of over 2,000 HR professionals.
Scott Steen is vice president and chief operating officer for The Center for Association Leadership. Since joining the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives (the Center’s parent organization) in 1997, he has been responsible for leading several change initiatives for the organization, including a major initiative to reposition GWSAE in the national association market.